This interactive list can be used to find species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) as threatened and species listed on DBCA’s priority flora list.

Scientific Name Common Name WA Conservation Code
Thryptomene wannooensis P1
Thryptomene wittweri VU
Thysanotus acerosifolius P2
Thysanotus anceps P3
Thysanotus baueri P1
Thysanotus brachiatus P2
Thysanotus brachyantherus P2
Thysanotus brevifolius P2
Thysanotus cymosus P3
Thysanotus elatior P3
Thysanotus formosus P1
Thysanotus fragrans P2
Thysanotus gageoides P3
Thysanotus glaucus P4
Thysanotus isantherus P4
Thysanotus kalbarriensis Kalbarri Fringe Lily P2
Thysanotus lavanduliflorus P1
Thysanotus parviflorus P4
Thysanotus sabulosus P1
Thysanotus sp. Desert East of Newman (R.P. Hart 96P4) P2
Thysanotus sp. Ennuin (N. Gibson & M. Lyons P2665) P1
Thysanotus sp. Mount Madden (G.F. Craig P105P16) P1
Thysanotus sp. Yellowdine (A.S. George 60P40) P2
Thysanotus tenuis P3
Thysanotus unicupensis P3
Thysanotus vernalis P3
Thysanotus volubilis P2
Tinospora esiangkara P2
Trachymene anisocarpa var. trichocarpa P3
Trachymene croniniana P3
Trachymene dusenii P3
Trachymene oleracea subsp. sedimentum P1
Trachymene pavimentum Pavement Laceflower P1
Trachymene pyrophila P2
Trachymene villosa P1
Trianthema kimberleyi P1
Trianthema sp. Bachsten Creek (R.L. Barrett & M.D. Barrett RLB P38P2P4) P2
Trianthema sp. Mitchell Plateau (P.A. Fryxell et al. P47P2P3) P1
Trianthema sp. Python Pool (G.R. Guerin & M.E. Trudgen GG P10P2P3) P2
Tribonanthes minor Salt-lake Tiurndin P3
Tribonanthes purpurea Granite Pink VU
Tribulopis marliesiae Eichler's Tribulopis P3
Tribulopis sp. Koolan Island (K.F. Kenneally 8P278) P1
Tribulopis sp. Mitchell Plateau (K.F. Kenneally 79P35) P1
Tribulus adelacanthus P3
Tribulus minutus P1
Trichosanthes pilosa P1
Tricoryne soullierae P1
Tricoryne sp. Bimbijy (G.J. Keighery & N. Gibson 7P108) P2
Tricoryne sp. Geraldton (G.J. Keighery P10P46P1) P1