This interactive list can be used to find species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) as threatened and species listed on DBCA’s priority flora list.

Scientific Name Common Name WA Conservation Code
Synaphea sp. Redgate Road (J. Scott P16) P1
Synaphea sp. Serpentine (G.R. Brand P10P3) CR
Synaphea sp. Woodanilling (G.J. Keighery & N. Gibson P46P1P4) P2
Synaphea sparsiflora P2
Synaphea stenoloba EN
Synaphea tamminensis P2
Synaphea trinacriformis P1
Synaphea tripartita P3
Synaphea xela P2
Synostemon arenosus P3
Synostemon hamersleyensis EN
Synostemon hubbardii P3
Synostemon judithae P2
Synostemon rigidulus Shrubby Synostemon P3
Synostemon salignus P1
Synostemon umbrosus P1
Tadehagi robustum P1
Taenitis pinnata P2
Taraxacum cygnorum EX
Tecticornia annelida P1
Tecticornia bibenda P1
Tecticornia bulbosa Large-articled Samphire VU
Tecticornia cymbiformis P3
Tecticornia enodis Smooth-seeded Samphire P1
Tecticornia entrichoma Eyelash Samphire P4
Tecticornia fimbriata P3
Tecticornia flabelliformis P2
Tecticornia globulifera P1
Tecticornia indefessa P2
Tecticornia medusa P3
Tecticornia mellarium P1
Tecticornia papillata P1
Tecticornia sp. Chinocup (K.A. Shepherd KS P1P19P1) P2
Tecticornia sp. Christmas Creek (K.A. Shepherd & T. Colmer et al. KS P106P3) P1
Tecticornia sp. Coorow (P.G. Wilson P1P2750) P1
Tecticornia sp. Lake Wallambin (K.A. Shepherd KS P1P157) P1
Tecticornia sp. Lake Way (P. Armstrong 05/96P1) P1
Tecticornia uniflora Mat Samphire P4
Tecticornia willisii Spencer's Samphire P1
Telmatoblechnum indicum P1
Tephrosia andrewii P3
Tephrosia cardiophylla Romantic Tephrosia P1
Tephrosia cowiei P1
Tephrosia funicularis P3
Tephrosia lithosperma P1
Tephrosia pedleyi P3
Tephrosia rosea var. Napier Range (C.R. Dunlop 7760 & B.K. Simon) P3
Tephrosia rosea var. Port Hedland (A.S. George P1P1P1P4) P1
Tephrosia sabulosa P1
Tephrosia sp. Central (P.K. Latz P170P37) P3