This interactive list can be used to find species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) as threatened and species listed on DBCA’s priority flora list.

Scientific Name Common Name WA Conservation Code
Tephrosia sp. Kennedy Range (J.S. Beard P4P39P2) P1
Tephrosia sp. Kununurra (T. Handasyde TH00 P250) P2
Tephrosia sp. Mistake Creek (A.C. Beauglehole 5P4P4P2P4) P3
Tephrosia sp. North West Cape (G. Marsh 8P1) P2
Tephrosia valleculata P3
Terminalia kumpaja P3
Terminalia supranitifolia P3
Tetragonia coronata P3
Tetratheca affinis subsp. Cape Riche (T.D. Macfarlane TDM P18P3P2) P1
Tetratheca angulata P3
Tetratheca aphylla subsp. aphylla VU
Tetratheca aphylla subsp. megacarpa VU
Tetratheca applanata P1
Tetratheca butcheriana Butcher's Tetratheca P1
Tetratheca chapmanii P1
Tetratheca deltoidea Granite Tetratheca CR
Tetratheca erubescens EN
Tetratheca exasperata P3
Tetratheca fasciculata Cronin's Tetratheca EX
Tetratheca fordiana P2
Tetratheca harperi Jackson Tetratheca VU
Tetratheca hirsuta subsp. boonanarring P2
Tetratheca nephelioides EN
Tetratheca parvifolia P3
Tetratheca paynterae subsp. cremnobata VU
Tetratheca paynterae subsp. paynterae CR
Tetratheca phoenix P2
Tetratheca pilata P1
Tetratheca pilifera P3
Tetratheca plumosa P1
Tetratheca remota P2
Tetratheca retrorsa P3
Tetratheca similis P3
Tetratheca sp. Kent River (B.G. Hammersley P179P1) P1
Tetratheca spartea P2
Tetratheca spenceri VU
Teucrium diabolicum Devil’s Germander P3
Teucrium grandiusculum subsp. grandiusculum P2
Teucrium pilbaranum P2
Teucrium sp. Hutt River (W.H. Butler 5P4) P1
Teucrium sp. Sturt Creek (A.A. Mitchell 55P36) P1
Thaumastochloa brassii P2
Thelymitra apiculata P4
Thelymitra dedmaniarum Cinnamon Sun Orchid CR
Thelymitra jacksonii Jackson's Sun Orchid P3
Thelymitra magnifica Crystal Brook Star Orchid CR
Thelymitra porphyrosticta P2
Thelymitra psammophila Sandplain Sun Orchid VU
Thelymitra pulcherrima P2
Thelymitra sp. Ongerup (S. Oborne P1P4P2) P3