This interactive list can be used to find species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) as threatened and species listed on DBCA’s priority flora list.

Scientific Name Common Name WA Conservation Code
Thelymitra stellata Star Orchid EN
Thelymitra variegata Queen of Sheba CR
Thelymitra yorkensis York Sun Orchid P3
Themeda sp. Hamersley Station (M.E. Trudgen P1P1P4P3P1) P3
Themeda sp. Panorama (J. Nelson et al. NS P10P2) PN P1
Thespidium basiflorum P1
Thomasia brachystachys P2
Thomasia dielsii P1
Thomasia gardneri Mt Holland Thomasia EX
Thomasia glabripetala VU
Thomasia julietiae Juliet's Thomasia P1
Thomasia montana Hill Thomasia VU
Thomasia multiflora P1
Thomasia purpurea x solanacea P1
Thomasia pygmaea Tiny Thomasia P3
Thomasia quercifolia Oak Leaved Thomasia P4
Thomasia solanacea P4
Thomasia sp. Green Hill (S. Paust P1P3P2P2) CR
Thomasia sp. Hopetoun (K.R. Newbey P4896) P2
Thomasia tenuivestita P3
Thomasia triloba P1
Thomasia x formosa P1
Thryptomene caduca P3
Thryptomene calcicola P2
Thryptomene duplicata P1
Thryptomene eremaea P2
Thryptomene hubbardii P3
Thryptomene johnsonii P2
Thryptomene nealensis P3
Thryptomene nitida P3
Thryptomene orbiculata P3
Thryptomene pinifolia P2
Thryptomene planiflora Goldfields Laceflower P1
Thryptomene repens P2
Thryptomene salina P1
Thryptomene shirleyae P2
Thryptomene sp. Carrarang (M.E. Trudgen 7P4P20) P1
Thryptomene sp. Coolgardie (E. Kelso s.n. P190P2) P1
Thryptomene sp. Eagle Gorge (A.G. Gunness P2P360) P2
Thryptomene sp. Hyden (B.J. Lepschi & L.A. Craven P4P477) P1
Thryptomene sp. Lancelin (M.E. Trudgen P1P4000) P3
Thryptomene sp. Leinster (B.J. Lepschi & L.A. Craven P4P36P2) P3
Thryptomene sp. Mt Clara (R.J. Cranfield P1P170P2) P1
Thryptomene sp. Wandana (M.E. Trudgen MET P2P20P16) P3
Thryptomene sp. Warburton (M. Henson & M. Hannart P3P2P4P3P3) P1
Thryptomene spicata P2
Thryptomene stapfii P3
Thryptomene stenophylla P2
Thryptomene striata P2
Thryptomene velutina P2