Threatened and priority flora report form
The Threatened priority flora report form is one of the main tools for monitoring threatened plants in Western Australia.
- Threatened priority flora report form (Word version—can be completed electronically, and then printed or emailed for submission)
- Threatened and priority flora report form - field manual (explanations for the terms used in the form to ensure consistency).
You also need to complete the Threatened priority flora report form as a condition of some flora licences and Threatened Flora Authorisations.
Licences are required to take native wildlife (plants and animals) in Western Australia.
Please refer to the Western Australian Herbarium to lodge plant specimens for their collection—do not use this form.
Submitting a threatened and priority flora (plant) report form
Send report forms to:
Species and Communities Program
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Locked Bag 104,
Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983
or email to: flora.data@dbca.wa.gov.au
Protocols for monitoring threatened flora
The following manual provides guidance on the establishment of monitoring programs for plants.