Karijini National Park

Red Gorge trail and lookoutCostTimeline
Create a new 10km shared use loop trail for hikers and cyclists to connect Karijini Eco Retreat and Knox, Red, Joffre and Weano gorges$2,000,000Estimated delivery: 2024-2029
Formalise lookout points along the trail
Establish a new lookout at Red Gorge
Provide interpretation

Beelu National Park

Kalamunda Circuit trailsCostTimeline
Consolidate, upgrade and expand the current trail network by 18km$3,000,000Estimated delivery: 2024-2027
Implement the ‘Kalamunda mountain bike network trail concept plan’ in three stages 
Improve access to the highest point of the network by sealing Gunjin Road and car park 
Provide signs and interpretation

John Forrest National Park

John Forrest TrailsCostTmeline
Construct a 15.8km Blue (moderate) cross-country style cycle trail to link to the existing Green (easy) Noolbenger off-road cycle trail $500,000Estimated delivery: 2024-2027
Provide signs and interpretation

Rockingham Lakes Regional Park

Cape PeronCostTimeline
Upgrade day use facilities$1,000,000Estimated delivery: 2024-2027
Construct new toilets

Pemberton Parks

Implement the Pemberton Arboretum trail network concept plan$8,000,000Estimated delivery: 2024-2029
Construct a sealed access road and car park for the arboretum
Improve facilities and furniture
Develop the 4-day ‘Pemberton Circuit Hike’ trail
Develop the 3-day ‘Two Rivers Adventure Ride’ mountain bike trail