This interactive list can be used to find species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) as threatened and species listed on DBCA’s priority flora list.

Scientific Name Common Name WA Conservation Code
Leucopogon sp. Yanchep (M. Hislop P1986) P3
Leucopogon sp. Yanneymooning (F. Mollemans P3797) P3
Leucopogon sp. Yellowdine (M. Hislop & F. Hort MH P3P19P4) P2
Leucopogon spectabilis VU
Leucopogon squarrosus subsp. trigynus P2
Leucopogon stokesii CR
Leucopogon subsejunctus P2
Leucopogon validus P1
Leucopogon wheelerae P3
Levenhookia preissii Preiss's Stylewort P1
Levenhookia pulcherrima Beautiful Stylewort P3
Lilaeopsis polyantha P2
Limnophila aromatica P3
Lindernia eremophiloides P2
Lindernia macrosiphonia P3
Lindernia sp. Minute-flowered (A.S. George P1P2P4P3P3) P2
Lindernia sp. Pilbara (M.N. Lyons & L. Lewis FV P1069) P1
Lindernia sp. Theda (R.L. Barrett & M.D. Barrett RLB P3P2P20) PN P1
Lindsaea orbiculata P2
Liparophyllum congestiflorum P4
Lissanthe scabra P2
Lissanthe synandra P1
Livistona alfredii Millstream Fan-palm P4
Lobelia archeri P1
Lobelia leucotos P1
Logania archeri P1
Logania nanophylla P2
Logania sylvicola P2
Lomandra acicularis Kimberley Mat-rush P2
Lomandra ordii P4
Lomandra whicherensis P3
Lophostemon grandiflorus subsp. grandiflorus P3
Loxocarya albipes P4
Loxocarya gigas P2
Loxocarya magna P3
Loxocarya striata subsp. implexa P1
Lyginia excelsa P2
Lygodium flexuosum P3
Lysiandra baeckeoides P3
Lysiandra fuernrohrii Sand Sponge P3
Lysiandra indigoferoides P1
Lysinema lasianthum P4
Lysiosepalum abollatum CR
Lysiosepalum aromaticum P2
Lythrum paradoxum P3
Macarthuria georgeana P1
Macarthuria intricata P3
Macarthuria keigheryi EN
Machaerina ascendens P2
Macrothelypteris torresiana P1