This interactive list can be used to find species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) as threatened and species listed on DBCA’s priority flora list.

Scientific Name Common Name WA Conservation Code
Eremophila racemosa Showy Eremophila P4
Eremophila rarissima P1
Eremophila regia P1
Eremophila resiliens P1
Eremophila resinosa Resinous Eremophila EN
Eremophila retropila P1
Eremophila rhegos P1
Eremophila rigens P3
Eremophila rigida P3
Eremophila rostrata subsp. rostrata CR
Eremophila rostrata subsp. trifida CR
Eremophila rubicunda P1
Eremophila sargentii P2
Eremophila saxatilis P1
Eremophila scaberula Rough Emu Bush CR
Eremophila scrobiculata P1
Eremophila sericea P1
Eremophila serpens Snake Eremophila P4
Eremophila shonae subsp. diffusa P3
Eremophila simulans subsp. megacalyx P3
Eremophila sp. Beverley (K. Kershaw KK P2P4P38) P1
Eremophila sp. Byro (R. Wait 6P1P28/97) P3
Eremophila sp. Coodardo Gap (B. Buirchell BB P3P30) P1
Eremophila sp. Great Victoria Desert (R. Davis P106P2P1) P2
Eremophila sp. Ironstone (G. Cockerton & B. McLean LCH P3P1P3P1P1) P1
Eremophila sp. Katjarra South (N. Gibson et al. NG 7P1P49) P1
Eremophila sp. Lake Carey (E. Mattiske LM P197) PN P1
Eremophila sp. Landor (J. Start D7 P3P3) PN P1
Eremophila sp. long pedicels (G. Cockerton P1975) P2
Eremophila sp. Meekatharra (D.J. Edinger P4P4P30) P1
Eremophila sp. Mt Channar Range (C. Keating & M.E. Trudgen CK P408) P1
Eremophila sp. Murgoo (S.J.J. Davies s.n. P15/8/P1960) P3
Eremophila sp. Ostrina (M. Officer P16P4) P1
Eremophila sp. Pingandy dentate (B. Buirchell BB P3P3P1) P1
Eremophila sp. Snowy Mountain (S. van Leeuwen P37P37) P1
Eremophila sp. Thundelarra (B. Buirchell BB P3P2P4) P1
Eremophila sp. Tropicana (B. Buirchell BB P3P2P3) P1
Eremophila sp. West Angelas (S. van Leeuwen P4068) P2
Eremophila sp. Wubin North (R. Wait 8P305) P1
Eremophila splendens P1
Eremophila spongiocarpa P3
Eremophila subangustifolia CR
Eremophila subteretifolia Lake King Eremophila CR
Eremophila succinea P3
Eremophila tenella P1
Eremophila ternifolia Wongan Eremophila VU
Eremophila undulata Wavy-leaved Eremophila P2
Eremophila veneta Metallic-flowered Eremophila P4
Eremophila vernicosa VU
Eremophila veronica Veronica-like Eremophila P3