This interactive list can be used to find species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) as threatened and species listed on DBCA’s priority flora list.

Scientific Name Common Name WA Conservation Code
Cristonia biloba subsp. pubescens P2
Crotalaria quinquefolia P1
Crotalaria smithiana P3
Croton aridus P3
Croton arnhemicus P1
Cryptandra arbutiflora var. pygmaea P3
Cryptandra beverleyensis P3
Cryptandra congesta P4
Cryptandra craigiae P1
Cryptandra crispula P3
Cryptandra dielsii P3
Cryptandra exserta P1
Cryptandra glabriflora P2
Cryptandra inconspicua P2
Cryptandra nola P3
Cryptandra pendula P1
Cryptandra polyclada subsp. aequabilis P1
Cryptandra polyclada subsp. polyclada P3
Cryptandra stellulata P3
Cryptandra subtilis No Petals Cryptandra P3
Cucumis sp. Barrow Island (D.W. Goodall P1P26P4) P2
Cucumis sp. Bastion Range (A.A. Mitchell et al. AAM P107P10) P1
Cullen candidum P1
Cupaniopsis anacardioides Tuckeroo P3
Cyanicula fragrans Fragrant China Orchid P3
Cyanicula ixioides subsp. candida Yellow China Orchid P2
Cyanicula ixioides subsp. ixioides White China Orchid P4
Cyanicula sp. Esperance (G. Brockman 7P35) P1
Cyanothamnus acanthocladus P2
Cyanothamnus baeckeaceus subsp. patulus P1
Cyanothamnus ramosus subsp. lesueuranus P2
Cyanothamnus tenuis Blue Boronia P4
Cyanothamnus westringioides P2
Cyanthillium gracile P3
Cyathochaeta stipoides P3
Cyathochaeta teretifolia P3
Cyathostemon divaricatus P1
Cyathostemon gracilis P2
Cyathostemon sp. Dowak (J.M. Fox 86/P27P1) P1
Cyathostemon sp. Esperance (A. Fairall P2P4P3P1) P1
Cyathostemon sp. Jyndabinbin Rocks (K.R. Newbey 7689) P2
Cyathostemon sp. Lake King (M.E. & M.E. Trudgen P1P46P2) P2
Cyathostemon sp. Red Roo Rock (G.F. Craig 6896) P1
Cyathostemon sp. Salmon Gums (B. Archer 769) P3
Cyathostemon verrucosus P3
Cymbonotus preissianus Austral Bear's Ear P3
Cynanchum christineae P1
Cyperus albescens P3
Cyperus digitatus P1
Cyperus flaccidus P2