The board members of the Swan River Trust are appointed by the Environment Minister. It brings together expertise in conservation, natural resource management, recreation, tourism, planning, development and matters of interest to rural and Noongar communities.

The Trust Board members are:
Mr David McFerran is currently a Director of McFerran Advisory, an independent property, planning and projects consultancy providing project and development management services, planning and property advice to a range of government and private sector entities. He has previously held senior positions in several State Government agencies and departments and has significant experience in policy development along with providing advice to Ministers. As a former business manager at DevelopmentWA, he has extensive experience in land use planning, statutory and strategic planning, property development as well as stakeholder and community consultation. David was a previous Director of Western Dairy and has completed a Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) degree with Honours from The University of Western Australia (1996) and is a Graduate of LeadershipWA Signature Program (2013). David was appointed Chair of the Trust in May 2023.
Mr Peter King
Mr Peter King currently consults to the Western Australian resources industry on the development and approval of large State significant projects. He has held senior positions in several State Government agencies, including the former Department of Agriculture, the former Department of State Development, and the Pilbara Ports Authority; as well as local resource companies and consultancies. Peter has also had overseas postings in the Middle East and Subcontinent. His areas of interest include agriculture, natural resource management, land use planning, project facilitation, infrastructure planning and development. He is very experienced in State approvals processes and facilitating development of major resource projects and port infrastructure in the Pilbara. Peter has a Bachelor of Science (Hons) from the University of Western Australia. Peter was appointed to the Trust Board in October 2016, and appointed Deputy Chair in May 2023.
Tracey Shea
Ms Tracy Shea has held a range of policy, advisory and leadership roles across State government in environment, conservation, recreation and nature-based tourism during a career spanning 38 years, with the last 10 spent as an assistant director in parks and visitor services at the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. After retiring from the department in 2018, Tracy has focused on running her own business Tracy Shea Communications plus her short-term accommodation property in Bridgetown. In recent years Tracy has also worked in the not-for-profit sector where she developed and activated the Spring into Parks program for the WA Parks Foundation. Tracy is a Park Ambassador for the Foundation and continues to volunteer with programs that showcase the health benefits of spending time in nature. A longstanding board member of FACET (Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco-Tourism Inc.), Tracy took over as Executive Officer in July 2020. She also volunteers her time as Secretary of Geoparks WA and as a judge in the annual WA Tourism Awards. Tracy was appointed to the Trust Board in May 2023.
Ms Marenee Provost
Ms Marenée Provost has worked in a diverse range of positions, including 21 years with the former Department for Child Protection, 10 years in the disability sector in senior management and overseeing projects involving architectural design and extensive building development for people with severe disability. Marenée has significant expertise in managing community-based projects and working in partnership with others which has been fundamental to the successful outcomes achieved. These projects have been diverse in nature with many being based in rural and remote areas of Western Australia, ensuring particular emphasis has been placed on achieving positive outcomes for Indigenous people and their communities. Marenée was appointed to the Trust Board in September 2018.
Cr Sara Saberi is an experienced board member with expertise in local government as an elected member and technical experience as an officer. Elected to the City of Canning Council in 2017, she is passionate about environmental matters and support for a number of local community and sporting groups. Sara has a range of qualifications including a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and a Graduate Diploma in Environmental Health. Sara is also a member of the State Bushfire Advisory Council and Chair of a Local Emergency Management Committee. Sara was appointed to the Trust Board in July 2018.
Ms Jacquie Stone
Ms Jacquie Stone is an urban planner with 30 years’ experience, having worked in both the State and local government sectors.  She is currently the Executive Director of Policy at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, where responsibilities include overseeing policies on water, wetlands, native vegetation, coastal, bushfire, climate change, public open, tourism and Crown land management. Jacquie was appointed to the Trust Board in September 2018.
Mr Michael Voros
Mr Michael Voros is a Partner of Ashurst law firm.  He is a leading lawyer for environment, climate change, planning and related issues. This includes that he acted for the WA State Government for all environment, planning and water matters for the construction of the new Perth Stadium.  He enjoys experiencing Perth's beautiful rivers with his family. In particular he is a keen cyclist and loves the opportunity to cycle around our rivers. Michael was appointed to the Trust Board in March 2024.



The Trust has eight members, who usually meet every month to discuss Swan Canning Riverpark matters. 

Board meeting dates 2024 
13 February 2024  
19 March 2024  
23 April 2024  
21 May 2024  
18 June 2024  
16 July 2024  
13 August 2024  
17 September 2024  
15 October 2024  
26 November 2024