Wharf street path. Photo by Mark Thornley/DBCA
Forests are important to our health and wellbeing; they cool cities and urban areas, reduce air pollutants, support biodiversity, regulate water flow, lower carbon emissions and can increase property value. The Swan Canning Riverpark Urban Forest program is an election commitment to help improve the Swan Canning Riverpark’s ecosystem health, amenity value and use of the connected urban forest landscape. This initiative is part of the WA Government’s Kep Katitjin-Gabi Kaadadjan (Waterwise Perth action plan 2) to establish leading waterwise communities for Boorloo (Perth) and Bindjareb (Peel) by 2030.
Funding is available for public land managers to improve their urban forests
The program supports public land managers to deliver urban forest restoration projects within the Swan Canning Riverpark (Riverpark) and surrounds (including tributaries and drainage lines) in the Swan Canning catchment. This is a unique opportunity, with funding available for projects that address the following priorities:
- Improved condition, structure and function of the Riverpark’s urban forest ecosystems including drainage lines and tributaries in the Swan Canning catchment
- Improved habitat value and increased use by native fauna through revegetation
- Improved management of the Riverpark’s urban forest by State and local government
- Improved quality of water entering the Swan and Canning rivers
- Improved Riverpark amenity value and use by residents and tourists.
Applications for funding can be made at any time during the year and will be assessed to ensure they meet established criteria. Public land managers are encouraged to discuss project ideas with DBCA’s Urban Forest Coordinator, who can be contacted on 9278 0900 or riverbank@dbca.wa.gov.au to arrange an online appointment or site visit. The Swan Canning Riverpark Urban Forest program grant opportunity guidelines are available in the downloads section below.
Year | Project site | Partner | Funding (ex GST) |
2021-22 | Southern and Canning River Confluence– Stage 1 | City of Gosnells | $257,050.00 |
Canning River Regional Park – Treasure Paddock and Bacon St | Regional Parks Unit, DBCA | $20,000.00 | |
Ferndale Flats | City of Canning | $19,846.00 | |
Milyu Nature Reserve | DBCA Swan District, Marine and Riverpark | $13,492.00 | |
2022-23 | Dyarlgarro – Araluen Walktrail | City of Armadale | $285,665.00 |
Maylands Samphire | City of Bayswater | $84,730.90 | |
Bindaring and Pickering Parks | Town of Bassendean | $18,647.40 | |
Success Hill Reserve | Town of Bassendean | $4,947.00 | |
Lilac Hill | City of Swan | $172,513.45 | |
Southern and Canning River Confluence– Stage 2 | City of Gosnells | $354,730.90 | |
2023-24 | Hurlingham Living Stream | City of South Perth | $602,351.00 |
Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary West | City of Bayswater | $87,146.93 | |
Attadale Bushland Conservation Reserve | City of Melville | $318,888.00 | |
Success Hill Reserve (Stage 2) | Town of Bassendean | $13,746.85 | |
Araluen Walk Trail-Stage 2-Connecting Remnants | City of Armadale | $70,438.00 | |
Bindaring Park Living Stream Stage 2 | Town of Bassendean | $43,698.67 | |
Clarkson Reserve Turf Revegetation | City of Bayswater | $75,634.00 | |
City of Melville Djinang Djidimy | City of Melville | $21,821.67 | |
Minim Cove Park Revegetation Project | Town of Mosman Park | $41,061.00 | |
Garvey Park Ecological Connectivity Upgrade | City of Belmont | $122,126.65 |