Conservation and Land Management Act 1984
Section 9

In accordance with section 9(4) of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 (CALM Act) the Minister advises of his intention to act under section 9(3)(b) of the CALM Act.

At the request of Main Roads Western Australia, the Minister for Environment proposes to excise 2.680 hectares from State Forest No. 37 to facilitate upgrades to the South Western Highway in the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes.  

Main Roads Western Australia have advised that the proposed updated are intended to improve traffic safety by increasing the overall sealed road width and introducing two new passing lanes.  

Comments can be provided to and further details can be obtained from:

Nicola Mincham
Land Services Coordinator
Parks and Wildlife Service
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Locked Bag 140
Bentley Delivery Centre WA, 6983
Or by email or Phone (08) 9219 8777.


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