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The information below can help you find the most appropriate entry point to get your business enquiry moving.
Please note that all tenders involving DBCA are published on the Tenders WA website.
Type of enquiry | Contact details | Responsible area |
Commercial events Information and approvals for holding commercial events in national or marine parks. | licensing@dbca.wa.gov.au or 08 9219 8411 Matilda Bay events 9442 0300 Yanchep National Park events 9303 7759 Swan Canning Riverpark events 08 9278 0900 | Nature-based Tourism Division |
Commercial filming Information and approvals for photographers taking images or footage for commercial purposes in national or marine parks. | filming@dbca.wa.gov.au or 08 9219 8411 | Nature-based Tourism Division |
Commercial operator licences For businesses delivering tourist, recreational or educational services for private benefit in national or marine parks. | licensing@dbca.wa.gov.au or 08 9219 9978 | Nature-based Tourism Division |
Beekeeping on Crown land in Western Australia Information on approval to access certain Crown land to place beehives and remove honey, bees-wax and pollen. | apiary@dbca.wa.gov.au or 08 9219 8240 | Nature-based Tourism Division |
Native flora and fauna licensing Licences for taking, disturbing, supplying, possessing, dealing, importing and exporting native flora and fauna. This includes biological flora surveys and commercial harvesting. | wildlifelicensing@dbca.wa.gov.au Flora including sandalwood 08 9219 9836 Fauna 08 9219 9831 | Wildlife Protection Branch |
Land and reserve enquiries Includes conservation reserve details or ownership of land | 08 9219 8777 | Land Services Unit |
Office locations Physical and postal addresses for Parks and Wildlife Service offices | Refer to Office locations below. | |
Plant identification Information on the State’s flora is freely available through the WA Herbarium’s portal FloraBase. The Herbarium provides a fee-paying service to identify native and naturalised flora. Clients include the general public, government agencies and environmental consultants. A separate, self-service Reference Herbarium is also maintained to facilitate identification of botanical specimens collected by government, industry and the community. | herbarium@dbca.wa.gov.au | WA Herbarium |
Regional Parks Regional parks consist of areas of land that have been identified as having regionally significant conservation, landscape and recreation values in the metropolitan area. The Regional Parks Unit can help with enquiries including holding events and tours in regional parks. | regional.parks@dbca.wa.gov.au or 08 9442 0300 | Regional Parks Unit |
Statutory and strategic planning enquiries Includes scheme amendments, structure plans, subdivisions, development applications and land use planning strategies and policies. | Refer in first instance to the regional contact details for planning referrals and enquiries map on the land use planning page. For enquiries about the Swan Canning Development Control area, refer our Swan Canning Riverpark development pages. 08 9442 0306 | Land Use Planning Program |
Swan Canning Riverpark development applications and permits Information and applications for developments, permits and commercial activities around the Swan Canning Riverpark and the Development Control Area. | rivers.planning@dbca.wa.gov.au or 08 9278 0900 | Swan Canning Waterways Branch |
Vegetation Health Service Detection and identification of Phytophthora dieback. This service is available to private industry, researchers and the mining sector. | vegetationhealthservices@dbca.wa.gov.au or 08 9219 9587 | Ecosystem Health Branch |
For information about Perth Zoo, Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (Kings Park and Bold Park) and Rottnest Island, please visit the relevant agency's website.