Scientific knowledge is critical to underpin the conservation and management of our biodiversity, as well as to inform decision making for environmental sustainability and economic development. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) scientists undertake applied science to inform biodiversity conservation management activities across the State.

Science partnerships and collaborative research with academic institutions extends our capacity to understand species, communities and ecosystems, and approaches to effective conservation management. DBCA provides incentives for students to undertake postgraduate projects in applied science that assists in the delivery of effective biodiversity conservation.

Postgraduate project support

DBCA offers cash and in-kind support for Honours, Masters and PhD projects that provide scientific knowledge to inform conservation and biodiversity priorities. Project support will enable you to undertake a more extensive project than otherwise possible and in-kind support will facilitate projects that require broader operational resources or access to particular sites. Please contact the relevant DBCA scientist to discuss your interest in undertaking postgraduate studies in collaboration with DBCA.

Summer scholarships

Applications for Biodiversity and Conservation Science and Kings Park Science Summer Scholarships are now open and close on Friday 25 October 2024.

These scholarships provide high-achieving and promising students interested in pursuing further research the opportunity to work on a research project directly related to conservation outcomes for Western Australia. Scholarships with Kings Park Science are generously supported by Friends of Kings Park.

Summer Scholars receive an $8000 tax-free living allowance for a 12 week full-time placement commencing Monday 2 December 2024.

How to apply

Applicants should submit a completed application form (available in 'Downloads' below) to Katrina Walton by 5pm Friday 25 October 2024 with:

  • A brief covering letter
  • A curriculum vitae
  • A transcript of your academic record

Please ensure you have discussed your proposed project with a DBCA research scientist prior to submitting your application.


Summer Scholarships are available to students who:

  • Are enrolled at an Australian university
  • Are about to commence an Honours, Masters or PhD research project in 2025
  • Can attend a 12 week full-time placement in person from Monday 2 December 2024 to Friday 21 February 2025

Potential projects


Project titleProject descriptionContact
Optimising analysis of Western Australia's shallow water benthic habitats from stereo-video imageryThe focus of this project is to pilot the use of machine learning software for the identification of benthic habitats on stereo-video imagery. This will contribute to a larger project investigating benthic habitat drivers on shallow-water fish communities throughout WA’s Marine Parks.Dr Richard Evans
Senior Research Scientist
Marine Science Program
Sleuthing for improvements in phytoplankton management and monitoring in the Swan Canning EstuaryDBCA’s Rivers and Estuaries Science program performs routine water quality monitoring of the Swan Canning Estuary (SCE). This monitoring includes fortnightly sampling of the phytoplankton community, with samples processed for taxonomic identification and enumeration. Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)occasionally develop within the SCE and DBCA is the principal agency in managing these events. Dinoflagellates of the genus Karlodinium are a common cause of HAB events, however their small sizeresults in some difficulty for accurate species determination under light microscope. Karlodinium species produce toxins that can prove deadly to fish and other gilled organisms, but toxin profile and production changes between species. In order to improve our understanding and management of Karlodinium in the SCE, DBCA is seeking to undertake phylogenetic and toxin analysis of SCE Karlodinium samples this summer.Dr Jeff Cosgrove
Environmental Officer
Rivers and Estuaries Science Program


Applicants should co-develop their application with a DBCA research scientist and have the support of a researcher at their university. Please contact to Dr Siegy Krauss (Kings Park Science) or Katrina Walton (all other BCS programs) to discuss your research interests.

Biodiversity and Conservation Science at DBCA is comprised of 11 programs:

  • Animal Science
  • Biodiversity Information Office
  • Ecosystem Science
  • Fire Science
  • Kings Park Science
  • Marine Science
  • Perth Zoo Science
  • Plant Science and Herbarium
  • Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis
  • Rivers and Estuaries Science
  • Species and Communities

The DBCA website contains further information about research areas, as does the BCS Annual Report. These resources will help you identify potential areas of inquiry to discuss further with Dr Krauss or Ms Walton.

Student projects currently available with DBCA

We work in a wide range of science disciplines and other project ideas can be considered if you have specific areas of interest. Please email the relevant DBCA Science Program: Animal Science, Plant Science and Herbarium, Perth Zoo Science, Kings Park Science, Ecosystem Science, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, Fire Science, Rivers and Estuaries Science, and Marine Science


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