Get involved with the rehabilitation, care and maintenance of WA's fauna and flora with this volunteer project map. For more information on each project, contact the listed project coordinator. Please be aware that placements may not always be available. Other seasonal and one-off projects may be advertised when they become available. 

Most country regions also have seasonal projects that may not be listed here. Contact regional Parks and Wildlife Service offices for more information on their volunteer projects.

For general information, contact the Volunteer Coordination Unit on 08 9219 8279 or email:, or find essential information about volunteering with the Parks and Wildlife Service.

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Campground hosts volunteer their time in national parks around the State to carry out a variety of roles associated with park and visitor management.

Campground hosting

More opportunities for volunteer work including Perth Zoo, Kings Park and Botanic Garden, wildlife rehabilitation centres and conservation groups.


Trail maintenance volunteers play a crucial role in visitor safety, conservation and sustainability of natural environments.


The West Pilbara Turtle Program (WPTP) brings together industry, government and the community to monitor marine turtle nesting.
