More than a quarter of a million hectares has been added to Western Australia's conservation estate with the expansion of Kennedy Range National Park and the newly created Pimbee National Park.
The establishment of the reserves is a significant step in the Cook Government's Plan for Our Parks initiative. The 270,000 hectares created is 5.4 per cent of the 5 million hectare target.
The parks will be named in consultation with the Yinggarda Traditional Owners and jointly managed and jointly vested by the Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation and State Government.
An Indigenous Land Use Agreement was signed in February, with Environment Minister Reece Whitby and Lands Minister John Carey joining Traditional Owners to celebrate the milestone. The historic agreement also includes One Tree Point and Chinaman's Pool Nature Reserves in Carnarvon.
It paves the way for greater employment and training opportunities on Country as well as the potential to expand cultural tourism in the region.
Under the agreement, the State Government has committed to employing four full-time Yinggarda rangers and providing housing for the workers. The State Government will also fund an office and depot in Gascoyne Junction, enabling the rangers to work on Country and near the conservation estate they will help manage.
The area is important for biodiversity and home to more than 400 native plant species, including some unique to the region, as well as over 150 animal species – some not found anywhere else in the world.
Comments attributed to Environment Minister Reece Whitby:
"I'm proud to celebrate this significant milestone with the Yinggarda Traditional Owners. Not only is it an important step for the Plan for Our Parks initiative but also for the ongoing recognition and protection of this unique part of our country.
"Our Government is committed to working together with the Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation to help safeguard cultural sites, create job opportunities and boost conservation.
"This area is rich in cultural history and joint management will ensure the land is protected now and into the future."
Comments attributed to Lands Minister John Carey:
"This is an historic partnership. It's one of the first Indigenous Land Use Agreements under the Plan for Our Parks initiative in the region.
"Joint management empowers Traditional Owners to be able to manage and care for their Country.
"This new chapter in joint management will ensure the area's unique landscape is conserved for years to come, while creating job opportunities on Country."
Comments attributed to Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation Director Kath Ryan:
"It's great to have this opportunity of joint management with the Government and to be working together as one.
"This is a significant place, so it's about letting the younger generation and others know, through our stories, what is really special to us."