Western Australians have the opportunity to provide their views on dogs in parks in the Walpole Wilderness with an amendment to the Walpole Wilderness and Adjacent Parks and Reserves Management Plan now open for public comment.

The proposed amendment would mean Sandy Beach within Walpole-Nornalup National Park and Mazzoletti Beach within William Bay National Park would become new designated dog areas.

Mazzoletti Beach is located adjacent to the iconic Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks where dogs are strictly not permitted. With more than 330,000 visitors per year, having a gazetted dog area located near these attractions will provide dog owners with a new space to utilise. 

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ (DBCA) Frankland district manager Cameron Shaw said Sandy Beach receives over 20,000 visitors per year and is located adjacent to the Rest Point Caravan Park which allows dogs.

“The sites proposed have low risk impacts on existing natural and cultural heritage values of the area. Staff from DBCA’s Parks and Wildlife Service will closely monitor the areas for impacts and manage them accordingly,” Mr Shaw said.

There are also sufficient buffers that mean these proposed areas will not be affected by DBCA’s Western Shield baiting program, in place to protect WA’s unique native wildlife from feral predators.

Predation by introduced species, such as foxes and feral cats, is a key threat to many WA native animals, including numbat, woylie, western ringtail possum and chuditch. Without the use of 1080 baits, the risk of extinction would be increased for many of WA’s native animals.

Prior to any changes being made, all interested Western Australians are invited to have their say by providing feedback here.

“We hope community members take part in this survey to have their say on these newly proposed changes.” Mr Shaw said.
