World Heritage advisory committees:

  • provide advice to the Commonwealth and State Environment Ministers on the protection, conservation and management of the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage area
  • represent the view point of the local and broader community and circulate information on key matters relevant the World Heritage area
  • develop and provide input into initiatives and opportunities for the promotion and presentation of the Outstanding Universal Value to the local, national and international communities
  • contribute to enhancing the stewardship and community connection to the World Heritage area
  • nominate World Heritage advisory committee members to represent the committee on the Australian World Heritage Advisory Committee and the Australian World Heritage Indigenous Network.

Committee members are appointed in their own right and not as representatives of particular organisations. They are appointed by the State Government Minister for the Environment following endorsement by State Cabinet. The Commonwealth Minister for the Environment validates the recommended appointee to the position of Chairperson.

Committee members have knowledge and/or background in areas such as tourism, local government, indigenous matters, park management and/or qualifications relevant to the protection and conservation of the World Heritage area. 

The Committee and members are required to follow relevant State Government policies and codes of conduct that apply to such committees.

On 8 December 2014, Cabinet approved the establishment and appointment of the Purnululu World Heritage Area Advisory Committee.

Purnululu World Heritage Area Advisory Committee members as at March 2022.

MembersMember category
Glen ChidlowChair
Peter BackshallTourism
Vincent EdwardsJaru (Indigenous)
Boonie EdwardsJaru (Indigenous)
Eldride EdwardsJaru (Indigenous)
Paul ButtersGidja (Indigenous)
Sarah LeggeScience
Jose DrillGidja (Indigenous)
Cherylene NockettaGidja (Indigenous)
VacantHalls Creek Shire

Contact us

Purnululu World Heritage Area Advisory Committee
The Chairperson 
c/- Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Service,  Kununurra Office
PO Box 942, Kununurra, Western Australia 6743

Phone: (08)  9168 4200


Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Advisory Committee

The Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Advisory Committee was established in 2013 by agreement between the Commonwealth and Western Australian governments.  

Ningaloo World Heritage Advisory Committee members as at March 2024

MemberMember affiliation
Dr Regina FluggeChair
Dr Russ BabcockScience
Ms Jacqueline HineCommunity
Ms Rachel CooyouIndigenous
Prof William HumphreysScience
Dr Chris SimpsonCommunity
Ms Vicki LongScience
Ms Hazel Walgar Indigenous
Dr George KailisCommunity
Mr James FlorrisonCommunity
Mr Darren BrooksCommunity

Committee meeting communiqués


Contact us

Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Advisory Committee
The Chairperson 
c/- Department of  Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Service, Exmouth Office
PO Box 201, Exmouth, Western Australia 6070

Phone: (08) 9947 8000


Purnululu World Heritage Advisory Committee

On 8 December 2014, Cabinet approved the establishment and appointment of the Purnululu World Heritage Area Advisory Committee.

Purnululu World Heritage Area Advisory Committee members as at March 2022.

MembersMember affiliation
Glen ChidlowChair
Peter BackshallTourism
Vincent EdwardsJaru (Indigenous)
Boonie EdwardsJaru (Indigenous)
 Eldride EdwardsJaru (Indigenous)
Paul ButtersGidja (Indigenous)
Sarah LeggeScience 
Jose DrillGidja (Indigenous)
Cherylene NockettaGidja (Indigenous)
VacantHalls Creek Shire

Contact us

Purnululu World Heritage Area Advisory Committee
The Chairperson 
c/- Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Service,  Kununurra Office
PO Box 942, Kununurra, Western Australia 6743

Phone: (08)  9168 4200


Shark Bay World Heritage Advisory Committee

A combined advisory committee for the Shark Bay World Heritage Property was formed in 2012 following the amalgamation of the previous Shark Bay World Heritage Area Community Consultative Committee and Scientific Advisory Committee which were established in 1997 by agreement between the Commonwealth and Western Australian Governments.

Shark Bay World Heritage Advisory Committee members as at February 2024

MembersMember affiliation
Juliane BushChair
Anthony BellottieIndigenous
Dr David Newsome  Science/Technical
Dr Gary KendrickScience/Technical
Dr Gary JacksonScience/Technical
Laura GrayBroader Community
Eleanor RidleyBroader Community
Jane BlannerhassettLocal Community
Stacy BlaneLocal Community
Sarah GillelandLocal Community

Committee meeting communiqués

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Contact us

Shark Bay World Heritage Advisory Committee
The Chairperson
c/- Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Service, Shark Bay Office
61-63 Knight Terrace, Denham, Western Australia 6537

Phone: (08) 9948 2210
