Plant disease research projects and collaborations
DBCA collaborates on research with other organisations to develop new management options and approaches for dieback and other diseases.
Basic raw materials
DBCA is collaborating with Main Roads Western Australia on a number of projects to develop new options for sustainably sourcing uninfested (dieback-free) basic raw materials (BRM). Dieback-free BRM is needed for the planned upgrades to regional highways in the dieback vulnerable zone within WA. Frequently asked questions on dieback-free BRM can also be downloaded from the bottom of this page.
Project Dieback
DBCA is a partner in the Project Dieback Action and Opportunities for Protecting Biodiversity Assets project, funded by the Government of Western Australia through the State NRM Office, which focuses on reducing the risk of human vectoring of Phytophthora cinnamomi within priority areas of Western Australia. The department assisted in the development of the State Phytophthora Dieback Management and Investment Framework. The department contributes to the implementation of the framework through continued collaboration with South Coast NRM, the provision of data, and through on-ground management of dieback in Priority Protection Areas on lands in our care.
Visit the Project Dieback website for more information on the project and its achievements, including the Dieback Information Delivery and Management System (DIDMS) and the public dieback map. The department annually provides data to DIDMS from the Vegetation health service laboratory, of the data points associated with samples from which Phytophthora species were isolated.
Dieback Training Consortium
DBCA has partnered with the Dieback Working Group, Western Power, South Coast NRM and industry trainers to provide a forum for oversight, coordination, communication and collaborations on the development and delivery of environmental plant biosecurity and dieback training products existing and emerging in Western Australia. The consortium also aims to ensure that current and best practice information on dieback is accessible to all stakeholder groups consistent with Action 3.2 of the Australian Government’s Threat abatement plan for disease in natural ecosystems caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi (2018).
Myrtle rust preparedness
DBCA works closely with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development on initiatives to minimise the chances of, and at the same time prepare for an incursion of Myrtle rust into WA.