Upcoming works
From 28 January 2025, final upgrades to interpretation material on Penguin Island will commence. These works include the roof and information shelter on the existing deck area, seating and interpretation signage. Works are expected to take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete. For visitor safety and to avoid the construction zone, there will be some access changes, however the island will remain open for the duration of the works.
During these works there will be limited access for people requiring mobility aids and prams as the central deck is fitted with its new roof. Toilets and the grassed recreation area will be accessible during construction either via the boardwalk ramp near the generator shed or via the stairs on the retaining wall to the grass area. Access to the western side of the island will be along the southern beach. You will be required to walk on the beach to access the grassed recreation area and toilets.
Works will be undertaken Monday to Friday however changed access will remain in place for the duration of the works.
You can also enjoy wildlife adventures in the surrounding marine park, including guided tours, swimming with seals, snorkelling and kayaking. All commercial tour operators will continue to run during the construction and installation period.

Contact the project team
Swan Coastal District
PO Box 459
Phone (08) 9303 7700
Fax (08) 9405 0777
Email wanneroo@dbca.wa.gov.au