Camping at Ningaloo Reef near Exmouth. Photo: Tourism Western Australia
DBCA policy allows negotiations to be progressed directly with proponents, or alternatively through a competitive process.
More information is available in 'Policy 8 - Negotiating Commercial Development and Activities' on the DBCA corporate policies page.
Why does DBCA call for expressions of interest?
Commercial opportunities sometimes arise on CALM Act land that require the number of licences or leases to be restricted. These are usually allocated through a publicly advertised, competitive call for expressions of interest (EOI).
EOIs seek information from proponents that demonstrates their skills, experience and capacity to provide a high level of service and visitor experience, in a manner that is sensitive to the environmental, social and cultural values of the area. This enables DBCA to select the best applicants and to obtain the best outcomes for WA.
Proponents must provide as much relevant information in their application as possible so that the evaluation panel is fully informed about the proposal. Do not assume that the panel members or DBCA have any prior knowledge about you, your skills and abilities or past performance.
All licence or lease proposals must be consistent with the park or reserve purpose and the relevant management plan to be considered. Current management plans can be found on the DBCA website.
Proposals to occupy a site require detailed site assessments, which must be undertaken at the proponent’s cost. These include (but are not limited to):
- environmental impact assessment (flora, fauna, surface and groundwater, visual, landscape and geological)
- Aboriginal heritage and support of relevant traditional owners
- other heritage
- socio-economic impacts
- construction impacts
- risk assessment and bushfire planning.
Current opportunities
DBCA advertises commercial opportunities through the Tenders WA website.