Hilltop Lookout overlooking the Franklin River and the Nornalup Inlet near Wapole. Photo Shem Bisluk/DBCA
The WA RFA requires the Western Australian and Australian Governments to undertake regular reporting on the progress made in meeting agreed milestones and commitments. With the signing of the Deed of Variation to extend the WA RFA, successful completion of progress reports will form part of the basis for rolling extensions to the agreement.
Progress reports on the implementation of the WA RFA have been prepared for the first, second and third five-year periods of the operation of the agreement. These are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Third five-year progress report
A third five-year (Period 3: 2009 to 2014) progress with implementation report was finalised in February 2019. The independent review for the Period 3 progress report was carried out by Mr Graham Wilkinson.
Mr Wilkinson made 17 recommendations which were addressed by Western Australia and the Commonwealth in a joint Government response, tabled in the Australian Parliament on 19 February 2019.
First and second five-yearly progress report
The combined first (Period 1: 1999 to 2004) and second (Period 2: 2005 to 2009) five-year progress with implementation report process was finalised in February 2015.
The independent review for the combined Period 1 and Period 2 progress report was carried out by Dr Glen Kile. Dr Kile made 13 recommendations which were addressed by Western Australia and the Commonwealth in a joint Government response, tabled in the Parliament of Australia on 11 February 2015.
For further detail on the WA RFA progress reports, please visit the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website.
There are 10 RFAs in four States, Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales.
The Agreements provide certainty for forest-based industries, forest-dependent communities and conservation. They are the result of years of scientific study, consultation and negotiation covering a diverse range of interests. - Department of Agriculture, Water and The Environment
The Regional Forest Agreement for the South-West Forest Region of Western Australia (WA RFA) is part of a national blueprint for balance, certainty and sustainability in forest management.
The WA RFA is a 20-year agreement between the Western Australian and Australian Governments on the management and use of the forests of Western Australia's south-west. The agreement established a world-class reserve system that is Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative of the forests' biodiversity, old-growth forest, and other natural and cultural values.
Planning for the Regional Forest Agreements between the Commonwealth and individual States began back in 1992, when the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments signed the National Forest Policy Statement, agreeing to work together towards a shared vision for Australia's forests.
The Regional Forest Agreement process began in WA in 1996.
The WA RFA was signed on 4 March 1999.
It meets the three main objectives of RFAs:
- to protect environmental values in a world class system of national parks and other reserves, based on nationally agreed criteria;
- to encourage job creation and growth in forest-based industries, including wood products, tourism and minerals; and
- to manage all native forests in a sustainable way.
Extending the Western Australian Regional Forest Agreement
The Western Australian and Australian Governments have extended the WA RFA for a further 20 years, also introducing a rolling life for the agreement. The process to extend the WA RFA was completed with the signing of the Deed of Variation in March 2019.
Two key documents were prepared to support the extension process. These are available for download at the bottom of this page.
- Assessment of matters pertaining to the renewal of the Regional Forest Agreement for the South-West Forest Region of Western Australia.
This document provides an assessment of how the various uses and values of the WA RFA have been monitored, maintained, implemented and addressed since the Comprehensive Regional Assessment and signing of the WA RFA.
- The Forest Management System in Western Australia: An Overview.
WA's forest management system is the suite of legislation, policies, codes of practice, procedures, plans and management processes for forest management. It is designed to achieve ecologically sustainable forest management across both public and private land tenures within the State’s south-west.
For more detail on the extension process and to view the Deed of Variation, Assessment of matters pertaining to the renewal of the WA RFA and the Overview of Stakeholder Engagement documents, please visit the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website.
Annual meeting of officials
The WA RFA Annual Meeting of Officials is held in the years between the five-yearly reviews, as part of the Australian and Western Australian governments’ commitment to strengthened communications under the extended WA RFA. The first annual meeting took place on 11 March 2020. A communique from the meeting is available to view on the Australian Government's website.
Progress reports
The WA RFA requires the Western Australian and Australian Governments to undertake regular reporting on the progress made in meeting agreed milestones and commitments. With the signing of the Deed of Variation to extend the WA RFA, successful completion of progress reports will form part of the basis for rolling extensions to the agreement.
Progress reports on the implementation of the WA RFA have been prepared for the first, second and third five-year periods of the operation of the agreement. These are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Third five-year progress report
A third five-year (Period 3: 2009 to 2014) progress with implementation report was finalised in February 2019. The independent review for the Period 3 progress report was carried out by Mr Graham Wilkinson.
Mr Wilkinson made 17 recommendations which were addressed by Western Australia and the Commonwealth in a joint Government response, tabled in the Australian Parliament on 19 February 2019.
First and second five-yearly progress report
The combined first (Period 1: 1999 to 2004) and second (Period 2: 2005 to 2009) five-year progress with implementation report process was finalised in February 2015.
The independent review for the combined Period 1 and Period 2 progress report was carried out by Dr Glen Kile. Dr Kile made 13 recommendations which were addressed by Western Australia and the Commonwealth in a joint Government response, tabled in the Parliament of Australia on 11 February 2015.
For further detail on the WA RFA progress reports, please visit the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website.