Draft report open for public comment
File Number
East Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club
1 Jerrat Drive, East Fremantle

Application details


The draft report for this proposal has been prepared and is available for download below. Members of the public are invited to read the report and comment on the proposal. The comment period will close on 15 July 2024.

DBCA’s Director General will consider all submissions made before the report is finalised and a recommendation made to the Minister for Environment.

Should you wish to comment on the draft report, please send your submission to rivers.planning@dbca.wa.gov.au before 15 July 2024. Please include the file number so we know which application you are commenting on.

Next steps:

  • The report will be updated to summarise the details of any submissions received. DBCA’s Director General will consider all submissions made before the report is finalised. The final version of the report will then be uploaded to this page.
  • DBCA’s final report and recommendation will be sent to the Minister for Environment for determination.
  • Once received by DBCA, the Minister’s determination will be uploaded to this page and the Part 5 Development Application process is complete.