LANDSCOPE THREATENED SPECIES ART COMPETITION is now open! View the webpage for details on how to enter.
River Rangers is part of the broader Cadets WA program coordinated and funded by the Department of Local Government and Communities with individual unit coordination provided by DBCA.
River Rangers is a voluntary program that is largely conducted outside classroom time. The program has been designed as a precursor to Parks and Wildlife’s Bush Rangers Cadet program, which operates in secondary schools throughout Western Australia.
The River Rangers program currently engages 15 schools throughout the Perth metropolitan area.
River Rangers is a primary school cadet program for students in Years 5 and 6. It seeks to engage and educate the next generation of children to help us protect our local rivers. It aims to empower students to make positive change to their local communities and waterways and ultimately, their local river park. River Rangers allows students to actively investigate local issues and design, evaluate and share the results of their projects with other schools and the wider community.
River Rangers aims to increase primary school students' understanding of river science. It is based on an ongoing process of identifying an issue, planning, taking action and reflecting on the outcomes.
Conservation projects undertaken by River Rangers include tree planting, litter pick-ups, bird and bat box building, biodiversity surveys, water quality testing and building native gardens.
River Rangers is an outstanding program for engaging primary aged children in environmental action. Our cadets have enjoyed a wide range of learning opportunities, from orienteering and tree planting, to water testing, litter collection and fishing clinics at the river. This term, we will be stencilling drains around our school and painting a huge mural of the river, amongst other exciting activities. In brief, River Rangers provides fabulous opportunities for the empowerment of our children, so they can meaningfully contribute to the sustainability of our catchment area.
Dr. Elaine Lewis (Teacher) Coolbinia Primary School
Program objectives
- Involve students in the protection of the rivers
- Establish recognition of local river systems
- Increase understanding and engagement with the importance of conserving European and Noongar cultural history
The training conducted by Cadet Units aims to ensure that cadets:
- Develop leadership and team building skills
- Improve their self-confidence
- Develop and improve their interpersonal skills
- Develop and improve their initiative skills
- Take an active role in the community and develop a sense of community service
River Rangers units in WA
There are currently 15 River Rangers units in the Perth metropolitan area.
View the River Rangers unit map below.