The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act) provides members of the public with the right to apply for access to the vast majority of the records held by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).
Some sensitive documents, or parts of documents, may be exempt from access. The FOI Act's exemption provisions protect from disclosure material that, if released, would have a detrimental effect on the functioning of government or harm the interests of private individuals or commercial organisations.
You may also apply for access to personal information about you that is contained in DBCA documents and you can correct that information if it is incorrect, inaccurate, out of date, or misleading.
Your right to apply is not affected by any reasons you have for wishing to obtain access, or DBCA belief as to your reasons for applying.
Information on this page relates to information held by:
- DBCA, including those deemed related agencies under the Freedom of Information regulations (Conservation and Parks Commission, Swan River Trust)
- Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA)
- Zoological Parks Authority (ZPA)
Please note that BGPA, ZPA and Rottnest Island Authority (RIA) are currently regarded as separate agencies to the department. That is, these statutory authorities are not listed under Freedom of Information Regulations 1993 (FOI Regulations) as being related agencies of the department.
Separate information statements and submission details are provided for DBCA, BGPA and ZPA below. Information Statements for each agency are available in the Downloads section at the bottom of this page.
Find out how to submit a Freedom of Information request with the Rottnest Island Authority on the RIA website.
Submitting an FOI request
In the first instance, applicants should contact the relevant agency by telephone, email or in person. Wherever possible we will endeavour to provide access to information as quickly and easily as possible without the need to submit a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
Should an applicant wish to proceed with a formal request, a valid FOI application needs to:
- be in writing
- give enough information so the specific documents requested can be identified
- give an Australian address to which notices can be sent and, where possible, a contact telephone number
- be lodged with any applicable fee
If your application is for access or amendment to your personal information, please provide a certified copy of one of the following documents:
- driver's licence
- aged pensioner concession card
- passport
- birth certificate (and marriage certificate if name has changed)
- proof of age card (issued by the Department of Transport)
Documents must be certified by a person authorised to witness Statutory Declarations under Schedule 2 to the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005 (available for download below).
The FOI process
Applicants will be promptly acknowledged in writing and be informed of the decision within 45 days. The best method of access to documents is determined by negotiation between DBCA and the applicant. Documents may be inspected on our premises, posted, sent by facsimile or emailed. Should an applicant be dissatisfied with an access decision, the applicant can request an internal review of that decision and subsequently, a review by the Information Commissioner if still not satisfied.
Access charges
The FOI Regulations state that a valid FOI application must be accompanied by an application fee of $30.00, unless that request is entirely for personal information about the applicant. DBCA can help applicants determine if their enquiry is likely to attract the application fee if they contact us before submitting an application.
Fees may also apply for copying or transcribing information. These will be charged at cost depending on the type and volume of copying required. Should photocopies be necessary, these will be charged at 20 cents per A4 page. Concessions of 25% are available to applicants who can demonstrate financial hardship.
Information statements and application forms
For more information regarding DBCA's requirements under the FOI Act, the types of documents held by DBCA and where to freely obtain other information we publish, refer to the Freedom of Information Statements below.
Applicants can create their own FOI application or download the relevant application form available in the downloads section below..
Where to send/take your application
Applications and enquiries should be lodged with the agency expected to hold the documents, together with any application fee payable.
Note: If applying by email, please ensure that the applicable fee is also lodged.
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Including Parks and Wildlife Service, Conservation and Parks Commission and Swan River Trust
By mail:
The FOI Coordinator
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Locked Bag 104
Bentley Delivery Centre
WA 6983
In person:
The FOI Coordinator
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
17 Dick Perry Avenue
Technology Park, Western Precinct
Kensington WA 6151
By email:
The FOI Coordinator
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
By mail or in person:
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
1 Kattidj Close
Kings Park WA 6005
By email:
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
Perth Zoo
In person:
Perth Zoo
20 Labouchere Road
South Perth WA
By post:
FOI Coordinator
Perth Zoo
PO Box 489
South Perth WA 6951
By email:
Office of the Information Commissioner
The Information Commissioner is an independent officer who reports directly to Parliament. The role of the Commissioner is to review decisions by agencies on access applications and applications to amend personal information, where an applicant is dissatisfied with the decision. The Commissioner is also required to provide assistance to members of the public and agencies on matters relevant to the FOI Act.
Read more about the Office of the Information Commissioner or access the FOI Act and Regulations at www.foi.wa.gov.au.