Our team
We are a diverse Statewide team of fire professionals with a broad range of skills, life experiences and knowledge. This is our greatest strength.
Our approach
Our fire team works in State forests, national parks, nature reserves, and other conservation areas. We protect the community and natural values by:
- managing fuel loads through prescribed burning
- responding to bushfires, and
- carrying out research into fire behaviour and effects.
Current opportunities
We are looking for outstanding candidates to join our team in WA’s southern forests:
- District Fire Coordinator (based in Walpole) - a local leader managing day-to-day fire operations, including planning and coordinating operational works with a team focused on bushfire mitigation. Would suit someone with an even temperament, who is a multi-tasker with good people and communication skills.
- Regional Leader for Fire Management (based in Manjimup) - a fire manager responsible for a larger area and higher level responsibilities in fire operations. Looks at the bigger picture and liaises with a diversity of agency and community stakeholders. Would suit a good listener, someone who is confident talking to other leaders and groups, and is familiar with the administrative aspects of fire operations.
Watch the video to learn more about these jobs. Apply online at jobs.wa.gov.au