The river: before and after the flood

Before the flood

Before the flood.

After the flood

After the flood.

Post-flood overlay.

Post-flood overlay. The red line in the map above depicts where the river's edge is now.

Impacted sites within the park

There has been a significant loss of cultural sites for Bunuba Dan͟ggu Traditional Owners

Many significant trees were lost as well as the car park, paths, a boat ramp, gazebo shelter and the ranger base. The power station compound, floating jetty and toilet block have also been impacted. 

Ranger base

Damaged visitor car park

Submerged road

Car park covered by sediment and debris from rising flood water

Sign in carpark depicting height of silt from flood waters

Aerial view of river

Completed works

  • Consultation with Traditional Owners, including cultural clearance.
  • Damage assessments completed. Scoping and survey of river depth and flood impacts on river behaviour, characteristics, and dynamics.
  • November 2023: Meetings with Bunuba Traditional Owners to progress rehabilitation and restoration and/or rebuild.

    • Visitor risk mitigation
    • Bathymetric survey of the river and 3D mapping of the Danggu precinct
    • Removal of flood-damaged structures and site rehabilitation 

The road ahead

January – November 2024:

  • Develop a concept plan based on technical mapping and joint management recommendations.
  • Progress site cleanup and site rehabilitation. Continue site planning with Traditional Owners and key stakeholders for concept designs of new park facilities and infrastructure.
  • Re-establish park access and reopen the park to day users

September 2025:

  • Build new visitor infrastructure.

Contact the project team

Kimberley Region Headquarters
111 Herbert Street BROOME
PO Box 65 BROOME 6725
Phone (08) 9195 5500